Tuesday 23 September 2014

Cold defence strategy!

Hello :)

I feel like I do a lot of lists and tips on this blog but oh wells. lel what can you do right

Like a very wise lady once said (basically the other 50% of this blog, lol she ain't dat wise ;p) - it's not truly winter without a cold.

Now you might know what I'm about to say.
I am REALLY ill.

Don't you just love waking up at 7am before school and realising I CAN'T BREATHEEEEEEE
And then you snort in all the mucus blocking your respiratory system Ha take that mucus full of antibodies I need!

Then the headache kicks in, and the pain on your whole face, and the sore throat. It all gets worse with every second until you realise. You have a cold.
*Insert dyn dyn dyyyyn here*

Throughout the two days I managed to come up with a few ways to deal with the painz to spare your souls - basically, I suffered so you can live.

1 - Take a shower

As lame as you might think this is, it works. If you have a severe case my whole face hurtiosis, then this is the remedy for you. 
If you wear thick socks straight away as well, you'll keep them nice and warm so that's cool.
Also the steam can sometimes unblock your nose so that's cool.

2 - Take a nap
About 90% of my headaches is caused by going to bed at around 12 pm and then waking up at 7am... so that's fun. If  you have nothing to do and your head is about to pop, don't take painkillers because they don't work most of the time, just have a nap instead of collecting enough bells to build a cafe on Animal Crossing.

3 - Have tea
Like I mentioned before the steam can unblock your nose but also warm your insides which is nice since I'm always cold when I have a cold (see what I did there). So that's a thing.
Also you gets all your mucus inside of your nose, mouth and lung gets more liquidy and so you can cough/sneeze/blow it out easier.

That's all I could think of since colds are pesky little things and I try to ignore them :/
I shall see you lovely peeps in two days but for now...

- Lena

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